Our daily-wear rings including precious gemstones come in contact more frequently which tends to lose their shine and look inexpensive and rough with scratches on the stone. So it is very much important to clean it on regular basis but we did not suggest cleaning it with just water and rubbing it with a piece of towel or hard cloth it definitely affects the sparkling beauty as gemstones are very precious and valuable.
Here are the following steps to clean your piece of gemstone jewellery with care-
1. Dip your gemstone jewellery in Luke-warm water with a pinch of dish wash.
2. Put your jewellery inside the solution you prepared for a few minutes.
3. Take out the jewellery and wipe the solution with a very soft cotton cloth.
4. After wiping out the solution you have to clean it with another piece of soft cloth remove the remaining water and make it dry.
5. One most important thing to remember is don’t rub your gemstones as it tends to reduce their shine and spark effects
Store your jewellery Seprately
Never keep your jewellery together in a single box as a cluster. Always be sure that you kept your gemstone jewellery in a separate cotton layered box or in a different compartment of jewellery boxes which are specially designed for them. Gemstones like- ruby, sapphire, pearl, topaz, onyx when directly kept together then will scratch or abrade every other piece they touch, even gold can scratch other gold. Pearl are also very delegated and soft, so must be kept in separate soft pouches. You should also be kept in mind that these precious gemstones do not come under the pressure of the hard substance.