Birth Flower Jewellery
Everyone nowadays is well known with the name zodiac or birthstone. Isn’t it? Let the truth come out: we are somehow obsessed with the zodiac signs that help us learn about personality traits. However, very few of us know the birth flower jewellery, which has its meaning. Doing all about the meaning of the birth flower can become very hard when choosing the perfect birthday flowers to send someone. So here is a guide for you that we have compiled on what characteristics you want to know when buying a birth month necklace flower.
January: Carnation and Snowdrop
The January birth flowers are carnations and snowdrops. It is not at all surprising they have been for a long time. Carnations are very popular because of their big truffle petals and bright colours, but they are especially perfect for gifting. They have a history dating back 2000 years. Carnation has its separate place at the time when Christians get married. It is believed that the very first carnation bloomed from Mary's tears as she asked for Jesus. While the meaning of carnation depends on the colour, it generally symbolises love, loyalty, and emotions. Based on your birth flower jewellery, if you are born in January, imagine you are someone who would love to be one extremely protective friend to have around and a true believer in a family of everything.
February: Violet and Iris
The February birth flowers are violet and iris. Since February is usually linked to Valentine’s Day, people are shocked when they discover that the rose is not the birth month necklace flower for the month. However, looking at the February birthstone, you will easily understand why violets are the birth month nacklace flowers. The February babies just seem to gravitate to these purple tones, which are lovely as they are! These vivid violets have been on the market for several centuries already! They were valued by ancient Greeks, who employed them for their curative qualities and to add that pleasant touch to the wine. However, one of our favourite facts about violets is that because the shape of the petals is very reminiscent of the heart, they were used in love potions! Today, violets represent fidelity, obedience and spiritual consciousness. Such are flowers: rose for love, violet for devotion, iris for eloquence, faith, wisdom, and hope. This means that February-born people are considered honest, humble, wise, and innocent, making them good people to have around.
The birth flowers for March are daffodils as well as jonquils. It is reasonable that the daffodil is the primary birth month nacklace flower for March because March is the month spring begins. What pretty little flowers they seem to be happy flowers that people associate with luck – this flower is known as the national flower of Wales. Camellia – daffodils have been in the UK for three hundred and sixty-five years. Even Shakespeare lovers enjoyed them- In this article, you will find information on their necessity for restaurant and eating establishments, how they help restaurants, how to choose them, and how wild blooms would have been sold on the streets by flower girls in London. Even though they come in bright yellow mainly, white and orange daffodils exist. Representing renewal, fortune, conceit, and wealth, the people born in March are generally happy and lucky individuals who can lighten up anyone’s day.
The flowers for April are daisies and sweet peas. As much as we often enjoy seeing the daisies in the fields instead of in a vase, a stylish and bright gerbera daisy bouquet would make the day of any April baby. Notably, daisies are believed to be one of the first flowers to exist on the plant, with actual evidence of their existence dated as early as 3000 BC and probably even existed million years ago.
The sweet pea flower, however, came from the United Kingdom and Southern Italy but was brought to many parts of the globe after it became a favourite for cultivation in the 17th century.
The meanings of daisies are innocent, loyalty, and change; thus, people born in April are simple, kind, and loyal like daisies. Moreover, since the daisies are believed to signify fertility and motherhood, they are also given to mothers after delivery.
The birth flowers for May are lily of the valley and hawthorn. Mainly for its fine flowers and irresistible smell, the lily of the valley is loved by many and even chosen by royal brides.
People have many tales and stories regarding the history of lily of the valley. There is a story that they were grown from the tears of Eve on their eviction from the Garden of Eden. Another legend is that the flowers grew when St. Leonard spilt his blood while fighting a terrible dragon.
Originally, Lily of the Valley represented purity, sweetness, return of joy and motherhood, so it is appropriate to give it to moms on their birthday in May.
June's birth flower jewellery is rose and honeysuckle. Picking June as the birthday month means it’s considered one of the owners of the most popular flowers worldwide. The rose, available in a huge range of different colours, each of which is said to have a different meaning, can be used for just about any occasion. In this rose flower journal, you will learn how to care for your roses, the symbolic meaning of each colour, and many other things.
Roses are among the most popular flowers, and many people have a tradition of giving and receiving. With this bearing in mind, they have been cultivated for a long time. They parts and used the rose in their food offerings presented on the altar to their gods. The ancient Greeks and Romans would associate roses with love. And as for them, it has been said in historical chronicles since 551 BC!
However, the meaning of roses also changes depending on the colour. They are generally ascribed to beauty, love, honour and devotion. Happily, these are birth flowers you do not mind bragging about if you are born in June!
The flowers associated with July are Delphinium and Water Lily. The water lilies, Mata Hari, are named after a Greek nymph that symbolises pure water and means purity, unity, and the desire for peace and balance. While on the other hand, Delphiniums are happy-go-lucky flowers that will put a smile on any face you encounter. Delphiniums are native to Britain and can grow wild in the woods throughout the country.
The name “delphinium” comes from the ancient Greek folk, who believed that the bud resembled a dolphin's snout, a notion which is not very difficult to comprehend. Delphinium has hundreds of varieties, some of which can grow up to 6 feet tall.
Delphiniums convey the message of an open heart, optimism, decorum, and elegance – a perfect relation to the recipients if you have in mind those born in July, as most of them are described as beautiful and sweet-tempered beings.
The official birth flower jewellery for August is gladiolus and poppy. Thus, the flowers possessing such rich, dense tonal hues are being sold in the late summer. However, there are dozens of colours of poppy flowers, each corresponding to a different meaning; nevertheless, poppies, in general, symbolize imagination.
One such hybrid, which originated in South Africa in the 17th and 18th centuries, is called gladiolus because, in Latin, it has the same word gladius, a sword, by the form of its lanced-shaped leaves. Originally, gladioli were used in Ancient Rome: it is well known that gladiators, who were winners of the fight, were welcomed by throwing blossoms of these flowers.
Symbolizing: Character, Honesty, Generosity, Moral Values Gladiolus blooms represent the born character of August, a vigorous-, determined- and independent person. And yes, they also symbolize passion or desire and recall – which is good for the 40th anniversary.
According to traditions, the flowers of September are aster and morning glory. As the most important flower in the show, aster flowers were christened from the Greek word " star " to replicate their form. Asters are delicate, small flowers that can be purchased in various colors, usually pink, white, red or lilac.
Even the common name of ‘autumn aerials’ is rather unbecoming for this flower given that while it is true that the asters bloom all year around, during September, they become one of the brightest flowers around as autumn begins to set in gently.
Aster flowers are popular and famous for love, wisdom, faith and innocence, which makes them perfect for sharing with friends and loved ones whose birthdays fall in September.
October: Marigold and Cosmos
The birth flower jewellery for October are marigolds and cosmos. With their rich autumnal hues and distinctive spicy fragrance, marigolds perfectly embody the essence of October and are a favorite among gardeners.
Marigolds have a fascinating history, dating back to the Aztecs, who believed these flowers possessed magical, religious, and medicinal properties. They were commonly used as remedies for inflammation and skin issues. Known as one of autumn’s hardiest blooms, marigolds symbolize stubbornness and determination.
However, their vibrant, cheerful appearance also represents warmth and creativity. If you celebrate your birthday in October, chances are you’re a passionate, hard-working, and driven individual!
November: Chrysanthemum
The birth flower jewellery of November is chrysanthemum. Belonging to the largest family of dicotyledons and due to the kinds of flowers it offers. Though they can be bought in a large range of colours these flowers are believed to bring luck and happiness into a house.
Chrysanthemums, called ‘golden flowers’ in China, were first grown there in the 15th century. They are now so loved in China and Japan that a special day for them is the Festival of Happiness.
There are so many types of chrysanthemums whose meanings depend on the colour of the flower. However, in the broad sense of the word, they are associated with such values as friendship, honesty, and happiness!
December: Holly and Narcissus
December‘s birth flowers are the holly and the narcissus. Although holly is not a floral plant, its thick dark green leaves and bright red berries are also great for December birthdays. It brings a cheerful and perfect look to the bouquets intended for those celebrating this month.
Holly has been a favourite indoor plant and exterior decoration in Britain for many years. Before people started using them in their celebration of the New Year, it was used as a symbol of fertility and was believed to be able to keep witches out of homes during the Pagan era.
Today, holly means good fortune, peace, and merriment. Because of its Christmas appeal, it is perfect for December birthday floral arrangements as it brings happiness!
birth flower jewellery add some magic and individual story to a birthday celebration. Every flower, whether the lily or rose, symbolizes something different and belongs to the specific month of celebration, making it more meaningful for any event.
Needless to say, flowers are not simply beautiful presents; they are classic symbols of love, personality and tender feelings. It brings into our mind the beautiful creations of Mother Nature and refreshes each celebration with an aura of marvel and meaning.
It’s not a secret that great meaning lies in birth flowers, meaning you can make any birthday or a special day unique and unforgettable. These flowers should convey the tone of your emotions and bring twice as much comfort and brightness into your festivities.