The jewellery connoisseurs are extremely passionate about owning different kinds of jewellery whether it is traditional, classic, or contemporary. It is a fact that most of the women love to amass a sizeable collection of personal jewellery. But when you talk about a specific type of jewellery that adorns specially the neck so in this case. One should know the difference between a pendant, locket, and a necklace. The one thing that is common between the three is that they are all designed to be worn around the neck. Below is the important difference between pendant, locket, and necklace.

Description of pendant
The term pendant is derived from the latin word “pandere” which means to hang down. A pendant is a kind of jewellery that comprises a small hoop that can be suspended to a bracelet, earring, or chain. Pendant earrings are popularly known as chandelier earrings. The moment they are suspended from the bracelet they become charm and they are popularly known as a pendant. When they hang from a chain and are worn around the neck.
Pendant first came into existence during the Stone Age as a primitive practice in form of adorning amulets, talismans around the neck with the help of a chain. There is a history behind the wearing of pendants and that is pendants with gemstones were worn by the pharaohs of Egypt. Further, it is also believed that Greeks used gold and gemstones in the creation of pendants. In the earlier times, the pendants had motifs of cats and dogs. Later the designs comprise birds, fish, and insects and now the pendants are available in the form of alphabets, zodiacs, and traditional as well as religious pendants.

Description of locket
When you talk about a locket. It is almost like a pendant but unlike a pendant, it has a small storage place. Locket is available in various forms of shapes like round, oval, flat and with a cover. It is believed to be an extremely sentimental piece that suspends from a gold or silver chain worn around the neck. The locket is all about holding a memento that may include photographs of a beloved person, miniature painted portrait and so on. Lockets are generally crafted with precious metals and gemstones which makes them absolutely unique.

Description of Necklace
A necklace is a type of jewellery that helps to adorn the neck. It comprises gemstones that are inter-connected with gold or silver metal chain. The necklace was first invented. in the stone age. During the historic time, the neck was fully covered with pendants which later came to be known as necklaces. The type of necklace is in form of a chocker as it hugs the neck .It is like this because it is short length and sits high on the neck. This piece of jewellery draws a lot of attention as compared to the pendant as well as the locket.
In today’s time, there is a wide variety of pendants, lockets, and necklaces to choose from. Above are the basic difference between pendants, lockets, and necklaces.